Enable The Multisite Feature In WordPress

How to Enable the Multisite feature in WordPress Properly

Running a Multisite installation is a kind of complicated for many. There are many plugins to do so but before that, you should know how to enable the multisite feature in WordPress.

Most of the people have the confusion between creating the multisite using one WordPress installation.

To do so, it’s necessary to allow WordPress to support this installation. You can install WordPress just like you do for any other single website.

In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest and the fastest way to enable the multisite feature in WordPress.

Use the wp-config.php File for Multisite

You may have read about this file. It’s one of the most influential files of the WordPress directory.

I hope you know how to edit wp-config.php file. WordPress already has a built-in feature of the multisite. You just need to activate it.

You would be happy to know that it can be activated on any existing single site WordPress installation.

It’s because you just need to add a single line of the code in the wp-config.php file.

/* Multisite */

define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );

This code will activate the multisite feature and you can easily see a few extra options in your WordPress dashboard.

After that, you can add more than one site as the subdomains or in any subfolders.

NOTE: For an existing website, you should backup your WordPress website before making any changes.

You should never take any chances with your live website. Always think about the worst situation and prepare accordingly.

With the use of a few plugins, you can easily run multiple websites using the same WordPress installation.

I Hope You Can Easily Enable Multisite Feature in WordPress

This is one of the easiest tasks. Even for a non-techie person, adding this line of the code isn’t so hard.

I can understand that if you’re a non-techie person, you may get afraid as if you can break your whole website. But for a new WordPress installation, you can do the experiments.

For your live website, you should take a professional help. There are many WordPress professional around. If you don’t find any, feel free to reach us.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi. I enabled multisite several years ago. I vaguely remember that I had a bit of a challenge with it.

    I started multisite because I had separate installs of WordPress for several different websites that I had at the time. Having all those files was slowing down the server that host them all. Multisite let me cut that down to just one installation of WordPress, which helped the speed a lot.

    The problem I had was that I still wanted them all to have their own separate domains. What I found at that time was I need to install the Sunrise Drop-in so that I could install the WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin. That allowed me to map my separate domains to the individual sites run by the one installation of WordPress running as a multisite.

    I don’t know if you still have to do all of that now or if there is an easier way to do it. It still works.

    1. Hey Wayne,

      You can use the single WordPress installation for all the sites. Create a subdomain for each and it will be done. You need to keep everything separate.

      This tutorial is only about adding the multisite feature to your website.

      Creating it will take some time. I am going to write about it soon.


  2. Hello Ravi,

    Great information over here ?

    Enabling the multi site features in our Word press would of great help, and this seems to be so easy, just few steps and the

    things is being done.

    As you said, I am a non techi and I would be doing this add up for my new word press web site.

    Thanks for the share.


  3. Hello


    Happy to read this interesting post. This is that I was searching for a long time how to create a network of site on a single wordpress installation.

    I have read this whole post and nicely understood how to do this. Yes, there is lot of benefit to enable wordpress mutisite network like I can run a network of multiple WordPress blogs and websites from a single WordPress installation and many more.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes,

    Praveen verma

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